
The Geeky History of Chancellor Palpatine’s Lightsabers

Known to only a chosen few as the dreaded Sith Lord Darth Sidious, Palpatine acted as the largest axis of power in perhaps the entire Galactic Republic. Rising through the ranks both in his office as Supreme Chancellor and position within the Sith Order, Palpatine spent his entire life setting up what would be the death knell for the Jedi Order and the Republic alike. It is a well-known fact that the Sith do not need nor want to use lightsabers. In fact, some in the Sith Order refuse to touch them out of spite for the Jedi. Palpatine may...

Key Benefits of After School Programs Reading MA

After school programs offer a wide variety of benefits to children of all ages. There are many different types of after school programs Reading MA, each of which offers a unique opportunity for your child; the following are the key benefits that your children can enjoy by signing up for one or more after school programs. After school programs keep kids occupied even after school is out If you want to make sure that your kids are occupied after school, there are only a limited number of options. One of the best options is to enroll them in an after...