
Debunking the “Millennials and Gen Zers Don’t Have Hobbies” Rumors

The younger generations have been notorious for allegedly killing industries. From cereals to gyms to diamonds, younger generations have ceased to patronized products they have found unnecessary and/or problematic.

This does not come as a surprise because of two reasons. First, these generations can access information at the tips of their fingers, so finding out if something is good or bad comes easily. Second, these generations are faced with financial problems, such as crippling student loans and non-livable wages.

Products and services are not the only ones being “canceled” by these generations. Several articles have delved into the idea that Millennials and Gen Zers do not have hobbies anymore.

What is a hobby?

By definition, a hobby is “a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.” This means that one’s hobby exists primarily for fun.

A hobby may mean taking violin lessons because one finds it fancy and interesting. It could be learning the intricacies of photography because one’s passion is capturing sceneries and moments. One might get into writing because of mere inspiration.

There are so many activities in this world that every person can be passionate about, so how can someone lack a hobby? The answer is capitalism.

Commodifying hobbies and interests

Yes, one’s talents and hobbies started as a way to express oneself. This passion eventually led to cultivating one’s skills. Now, these interests are not only for fun but also used to make ends meet.

Because of crippling student loans and low wages, younger generations are forced to find “side-hustles.” These are work or other means to earn money outside of their 9-to-5 jobs.

Since technology has presented several ways to market individual talents, hobbies and interests have easily become side-hustles. Photographers, writers, and artists can become freelancers via sites like UpWork and Fiverr. On the other hand, those who found joy in creating products can start online shops on Facebook and Instagram.

Do younger generations have hobbies?

It depends on the individual’s definition of a hobby. If a hobby is merely for fun, then Millennials and Gen Zers could answer no. However, this answer could verge more into a “yes” if one makes a leeway for the definition of a hobby.

This leeway can get a little fuzzy, though. Earning money from a hobby means that it becomes a job—and jobs can get stressful. As a result, one might have a convoluted relationship with leisure. Some even say that they would use their annual leave to work on their side-hustle, and that’s nothing but a trap that leads to overworking.

Do Millennials and Gen Zers have hobbies? Maybe. Are Millennials and Gen Zers overworked? Definitely. Many might blame younger generations for this paradigm shift, but they fail to recognize the system these generations are forced to live in. They live in a system that drowns them in debts and requires a side-hustle to survive. Perhaps, it is about time to make this world livable for these generations and the ones that will come after them.

Meta Title: Do Younger Generations Have Hobbies?

Meta Description: Do Millennials and Gen Zers have hobbies? Maybe. Are they overworked? Definitely—because they live in a system that requires a side-hustle to survive.



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Reed Hamilton

Mason Reed Hamilton: Mason, a political analyst, provides insights on U.S. politics, election coverage, and policy analysis.