
5 Used Medium Trucks You Can Buy

Looking for the perfect used medium-duty truck to buy? Then this piece is for you. In purchasing a medium truck, there are vital things you should not ignore, chief of them being reliability, you wouldn't want to buy a car you cannot trust. Another important consideration is durability and strength. The truck should be sturdy like a  6 wheel truck(รถ บรรทุก 6 ล้อ, which is the term in Thai). We have compiled a list of top medium-duty trucks you can buy on the second hand. Toyota T100 (1993-1998) This truck is ranked as the first because of how reliable it...
Home improvement

Advantages and disadvantages of a height adjustable table

A height-adjustable table can be very practical and versatile, so much so that the extra utility it offers compared to standard computer tables can simply exceed all our expectations. And it is that this type of tables with height adjustment are the great unknown since a priori they may seem more expensive, bulky and too complicated. But do not worry, because today we are here to explain the advantages and disadvantages offered by a table with these characteristics, and what are its key aspects. A height-adjustable table, your professional ally We are going to start talking about the advantages that...

Car Sharing When Traveling, A Good Idea

Carpooling consists of sharing a private car with several people who are going to make the same journey, dividing the travel costs among all the travelers, just like in car pledge (รับจำนำรถจอด, which is the term in Thai). What Advantages Do I Have When Sharing My Car Or Traveling In Someone Else's Car? Reduce Your Expenses As a driver, you will reduce your travel costs (mainly gasoline and tolls) by up to 85% by dividing them with the other travelers that accompany you. As a passenger, you can save up to 75% compared to inter-municipal public transport rates. Your wallet...