Tips To Help Students Improve Their Grades
When the marks of the first quarter of the course have not been those expected by the students, they have two other evaluations ahead of them to carry out the course with good grades. Thanks to continuous assessment, an evaluation method considers the student’s progression throughout the year and can be used to motivate them. Some children do not start the academic year on the right foot, achieving poor or even bad results about their ability.
Opportunities To Improve Grades
The causes can be multiple, and each case must be analyzed in a particular way to find the causes of poor performance. Generally, we look at children’s study habits because, with a few minor adjustments in their routines study, they can improve their results.
Avoid Punishment: The student must know that he has not fulfilled his academic obligations and some concern about the results obtained. Most likely, he is not satisfied either. It will be useless to punish if you do not understand why you must fulfill your responsibilities.
Punishment alone neither educates nor teaches how to do things correctly. However, you can be deprived of some privileges that you can only enjoy when you show an attitude of responsibility and commitment towards your studies. We must focus on helping him, not on punishing him, trusting him, and involving him in making decisions about improving his studies.
Find The Right Time To Study: With proper planning, students can have time to develop the activities necessary for their training and have fun. The essential thing is to create a routine, looking for a fixed schedule to dedicate to doing homework and studying. It is advisable to dedicate the first hours of the afternoon to this task.
Organize The Times: Studying productively is knowing how to manage time. The right thing is to make a list of tasks to be done like a school brochure design (desain brosur sekolah, which is the term in Indonesia). To do this, a school diary is an excellent way to know what to do in the afternoon when school is over. Each task must have a starting and ending time, interspersing a few minutes of rest in which they can stretch their legs, drink water, always avoiding distractions such as mobile devices.